Fimmvörðuháls hiking trail is one of the most beautiful and popular hiking routes in Iceland. The views are breathtaking. 

  • August 9th 2025
  • Registration open
  • Price: 22.900 kr.
  • Distance: 28km
  • Race starts at 09:00 am
  • Route: Starts at Skógar (by Skógarfoss waterfall), ends in Volcano Huts.
  • The top three men and women are awarded.

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5VH Trail Run

The 5VH Trail Run is set to take place for the fifth time on August 9th, 2025. The route spans approximately 28 km, starting in Skógar and ending at Volcano Huts in Húsadalur, Þórsmörk. Participants will encounter an ascent of about 1,500 meters, followed by a similarly steep descent.


Cat Ridgee and fear of air

The path goes down Kattahryggur (Cat Ridge) just above Þórsmörk. This is a solid path and always at least one meter wide.There is no deficit involved.The view is wonderful and for most people it is great fun to run the Kattarhryggur, as they are a famous part of the Fimmvörðuháls route.

However, it is quite steep on both sides and the competitors have to show extra care and caution on this section. It is not allowed to overtake in this area and it should be kept in mind that some people may be afraid of the air in these conditions.

The Run takes place in the highland.

Approximately 10km of the running route is over 800m above sea level. It is much colder on that part of the route and sometimes it can be blustery on the ridge, but the weather is nicer down below. This should not be underestimated and we ask the contestants to be prepared for anything.

Full price

Register before January 1st and secure the best price!
kr. 19.900
Until 31. desember
  • T-shirt is included
kr. 22.900
From january 1 to june 30
  • T-shirt is included
kr. 22.900
After june 30
  • T-shirt is not included

Annual subscribers to the running community of Náttúruhlaup and participants of the 5VH course receive a discount code of 15% valid for the two previous seasons (until June 30). No discount is given after June 30. The discount cannot be received after the person has paid the full price without using the code.

Refunds are not available, but name changes can be made until July 30 by logging into the registration site. Arctic Running/Nattúrhlap is not an intermediary in the resale of tickets, and the new owner will not receive a different size sweater than the original owner ordered. The price and arrangements for resale are entirely between the seller and the buyer.

Running bib and time registration

Aid stations at:

Baldvinsskáli (13km),

Strákagil (23km) and

Volcano Huts

Shower and WC facility after the race

Aðal T-shirt frá 66°North. (The T-shirt is only included when registered before June 30th.

Baggage transfer from Skógar to Volcano Huts

Health Care in Volcano Huts if needed

Concerning Bus trips and meals: The roundtrip will be available for purchase at registration but other options will be available later on.  An e-mail will be sent to participants ahead of the race, providing details on how to pre-purchase food and bus tickets. You can click on the tabs above to view the available food options and bus tours.

Grilled hamburger with french fries - 3,150 ISK

Veggie burger with french fries - 3,150 ISK

Soup buffet - 3,900 ISK


Circle Tour: Reykjavik > Skógar and Volcano Huts > Reykjavik - 19.900 kr. (just competitors).

Skógar > Volcano Huts – 6.000 kr. (for relatives who want a ride to the finish line at 09:15).

Volcano Huts > Skógar – 9.000 kr. (competitors and/or relatives)

Tab Content

This is a basic text element.

Race Route from Skógar to Volcano HUTS

Click on the button below to download the GPS file.

Please be advised: The route can change slightly between years, so always follow the markings rather than the gps.


The age limit is 18 years old.

By enrolling in the race, participants commit to:

Ensure that you engage in suitable training to complete the race within the specified time frame.

Stay on the marked trail: It's important to follow the designated route to ensure fair competition and minimize environmental impact.

Leave no trace: Pack out any trash you generate during the race and avoid disrupting the natural environment.

Dress according to the weather and be aware that it can be much colder on the glacier than in the start. 

Carry enough nourishment and liquid to finish the race.

Be courteous to other participants:  it's essential to show respect for other runners as well as hikers that may be sharing the trail.

Race bib: Wear your race bib on your chest or stomach and keep it visible at all times, especially at aid stations and as you cross the finish line.

Assist other participants in need until help arrives.

The Race Directors are not responsible for participants in regards to weather conditions and/or natural disasters.

Participants assume full responsibility for their well-being during the race and are advised to promptly seek suitable help in the event of accidents, injuries, or illnesses. The emergency number in Iceland is 112.  Trained rescue teams are at the aid stations and and there is a doctor available at the race's finish line.

The Race directors are in full right to cancel or bring a halt to the race due to external conditions or reasons and disquilify participants that do not follow the rules.


A cell phone that works in Iceland (112 is the emergency number in Iceland).

Running pack/vest

Aluminum blanket (available cheaply in most pharmacies)

Whissle (comes with many running vests)

A light running jacket which can withstand wind and rain up to a certain extent.

Hat/buff, mittens/gloves

At least one liter water/sports drink

Some nourishment, gels ex. (Example: gel, chocolate. It's good to use what has proven successful in training)

Trail shoes

Extra clothes

Sun glasses

Sun screen

An external battery (phone)

Download the 112 Where ARE U app

A bag with a towel, dry clothes and shoes to put on after the race. Rain clothes and warm clothes according to the weather forecast as you have to wait in the Volcano Huts until the bus leaves. All participants are invited to trust such a bag from the start (Skógar) to the finish (Volcano Huts).

Safety is the responsibility of the participants. Organizers will do the following to minimize the risk:

The route will be well marked.

The rescue squad Dagrenning takes care of drinking stations at Baldvinsskáli and in Strákagil. They will have ambulances and equipment to approach people in case of emergency.

Track guards will be at Kattarhryggur and in Langidalur.

A doctor and a nurse will be at the finish line.


Ferðir í boði

Hringferð: Reykjavík > Skógar og Volcano Huts > Reykjavík – 14.000 kr. (bara keppendur)

Skógar > Volcano Huts – 6.000 kr. (fyrir aðstandendur sem vilja fá far í markið kl. 09:15)

Volcano Huts > Skógar – 9.000 kr. (keppendur og/eða aðstandendur)

About The Route

The Fimmvörðuháls hiking route is one of the most beautiful and popular trails in Iceland, renowned for its stunning scenery and variety. It also serves as a favored trail running route, and it’s easy to see why—it showcases some of the best natural wonders Iceland has to offer.

The race begins at the majestic Skógarfoss waterfall, where you'll ascend dirt trails alongside the river, encountering numerous waterfalls along the way. After reaching an elevation of 1,000 meters, you'll find the first aid station at Baldvinsskáli before continuing your run on the glacier of Eyjafjallajökull.

In 2010, the global travel industry was brought to a standstill when Eyjafjallajökull erupted, sending ash clouds across the skies. As you navigate this course, you’ll run through the lava fields formed during that eruption, passing by the volcanoes Magni and Móði.

Next, you’ll descend into the enchanting, lush green mountains of the Valley of Thor, where the breathtaking views will captivate you. Upon reaching Strákagil, you’ll find the second aid station. The final stretch to Húsadal is relatively flat, as you cross the famous Krossá River via a footbridge, concluding your run at Volcano Huts in Húsadal.

Ofurhress hlaupari :)

Who is fit
for this race?

The path is challenging. The person concerned must be well trained and able to climb and descend on the plateau. However, it is not necessary to move quickly. For people in good shape, it is possible to walk the route briskly in less than 7 hours, but that is the time limit.

Whether the plan is to focus on getting the fastest possible time or just enjoy the route, take pictures en route and smell the roses, anyone who is in shape to handle the route should be able to do it within the time limits.



Yes, 7 hours. The race must be finished before 16:00.

It really depends on the individual, although most people find the backpacks more comfortable and have more space. All in all, for shorter runs in good weather it is enough to wear a running belt, but for winter runs it is good to have a running backpack and keep an extra hat and mittens as well as some energy in the bag.

Street running shoes are sufficient in many cases, but we recommend that people invest in natural running shoes (trail shoes or off-road shoes). Nature running shoes are designed to provide good protection for the feet and grip better on e.g. wet stones, mud or loose gravel. In such cases, they are essential safety equipment.

5VH Trail Run

  • August 9th 2025
  • Registration open
  • Race starts at 09:00 am
  • Route: Starts at Skógar (by Skógarfoss waterfall), ends in Volcano Huts.
  • Price: ISK 22.900
  • Distance: 28km
  • The top three men and women are awarded with clothes from 66°North.
  • Contact us: [email protected]
Náttúruhlaup eru rekin af Arctic Running. Við leggjum áherslu á að njóta þess að hlaupa í fallegri náttúru. Kennitala: 5­701­12-03­10. VSK númer: 122691.
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