Backyard Heiðmörk
Iceland Backyard Ultra

Everyone can take part in the Backyard. You only need to trust yourself to go 6.7 km in one hour. How often you do that depends on you!

  • September 2024
  • Registration closed
  • Price: 0 kr.
  • Distance: 6,7km
  • Timing: The competition starts at 9:00 a.m., Saturday, September 21, 2024
  • Running route: 6,7km circle in Elliðabær, Heiðmörkin
  • Time limit: There is no time limit except to finish each 6,7km within an hour.

Dagar Dagur


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mín Mín

About Backyard Heiðmörk
Iceland Backyard Ultra

Will be held for the fifth time Saturday, September 21, 2024.

Registration will open in the near future. It is best to subscribe to the mailing list to get the first announcement of when registration will open (scroll at the bottom of the site) but the race is likely to sell up quickly. You can also follow the FB group of the competition.

The competition will be a traditional backyard and depends on a certain installation and rules ( The race will be a 6.7km ring per hour. The one who runs most circles is the only one who finishes the race and stands as a winner. To finish the race, they must finish the last lap alone. All rings will be started in the whole time and it is important to get on the line in time for each circle.

How does Backyard work?

The competition will be in the traditional format of the backyard and depends on a certain installation and rules ( ). The race is over 6.7km ring per hour. The one who runs most circles is the only one who finishes the race and stands as a winner. To finish the race, they must finish the last lap one alone. Each ring always starts with the whole time and it is important that competitors are in the channel and running when the bell rings over time. Runners who are not in the channel in the whole time when the ring is started are judged from the competition. After each circle, the time left of the hour can be used to rest and prepare for the next lap. The total distance runner that finishes 24 laps (24 hours) is 100 miles (160.8km).

Race route

See detailed map and gpx file of the running route:


Participation-/DNF recognition for all participants. The person who completes the Backyard Race will receive an impressive prize and recognition.

There will be a drinking station and facilities for runners at Elliðavatnsbær. Emphasis will be placed on a fun and lively setting throughout the day. The staff and volunteers of Náttúrhlaup will be available all day for participants during the rest period.

Registration ends at midnight on September 9, provided that the race will not be full. Registration fees will not be refunded, but name changes can be made until September 9.

Competitors who complete at least 15 laps can apply to become members of the Association of 100km Runners in Iceland (


Backyard Heiðmörk

  • September 2024
  • Registration is closed
  • Timing: Saturday september 21 2024 kl. 09:00
  • Hlaupaleið: 6,7km hringur í Elliðabær, Heiðmörk
  • Time limit: No time limit except to finish each 6,7km within an hour.
  • Price: 0 kr.
  • Distance: 6,7km
  • Contact us: [email protected]
Náttúruhlaup eru rekin af Arctic Running. Við leggjum áherslu á að njóta þess að hlaupa í fallegri náttúru. Kennitala: 5­701­12-03­10. VSK númer 122691.
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Fáðu fréttirnar fyrst

Skráðu þig á póstlista Náttúruhlaupa og fáðu vita um leið og við opnum fyrir skráningu á námskeiðum, setjum út nýjar ferðir eða gerum eitthvað annað spennandi. Öll tækifærin beint í innhólfið 😊

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