Backyard 101

Bakgarður 101 er systurkeppni Bakgarðs Náttúruhlaupa sem fer fram í Heiðmörk í september ár hvert. Keppnin fer fram í Öskjuhlíð, frá Mjölnisheimilinu, 4. maí 2024.
  • Maí 2024
  • Registration is closed
  • Verð: 13.900 kr.
  • Lengd: 6,7km
  • Tímasetning: Laugardagur 4.maí 2024 kl.09:00
  • Hlaupaleið: 6,7km hringur í Öskjuhlíð og á göngustígum meðfram Öskjuhlíð og Nauthólsvík.
  • Tímamörk: Engin tímamörk nema að klára hvern 6,7km hring innan klukkutíma.
  • Verðlaun: Þátttöku-/DNF viðurkenning fyrir alla sem taka þátt.

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Iceland Backyard Ultra 101

The competition will be held for the third time on May 4, 2024. The competition will start at the Mjölnis home in Öskjuhlíð and the route goes through a pleasant step of Öskjuhlíð and good footpaths along it and Nauthólsvík (about 60% gravel and natural trails and 40% asphalt).

Hvernig virkar Bakgarður?

The competition will be in the traditional format of the backyard and depends on a certain installation and rules ( ). The race is over 6.7km ring per hour. The one who runs most circles is the only one who finishes the race and stands as a winner. To finish the race, they must finish the last lap one alone. Each ring always starts with the whole time and it is important that competitors are in the channel and running when the bell rings over time. Runners who are not in the channel in the whole time when the ring is started are judged from the competition. After each circle, the time left of the hour can be used to rest and prepare for the next lap. The total distance runner that finishes 24 laps (24 hours) is 100 miles (160.8km).

Race Route from Skógar to Volcano HUTS

Here you can see the route. By clicking on the plane in the picture to the side, you can better understand the terrain, ascents and descents along the way.

Silver tickets og heimsmeistaramót

Bakgarður 101 2024 er silfurhlaup og fær sigurvegarinn silfurmiða í landslið Íslands sem keppið í landsliðakeppninni í október 2024. Keppnin er þó tækifæri fyrir öll til að ná sem lengst og geta komist í íslenska landsliðið í bakgarðshlaupum ef þau hlaupa nægilega langt.

Keppendur sem ljúka að minnsta kosti 15 hringjum geta sótt um að gerast félagar í Félagi 100km hlaupara á Íslandi (


Running bib and time registration - Aid station with plenty of food as long as someone is still in the race - Participant medal Rewards for all who finish 4 loops or more.

Race number and timing: You run as many laps as you want. The race ends when only one runner completes a lap. Refreshments and refreshments at the drinking station all the time. Hot meals every 4 hours while you are still in the race. Participation recognition There will be a good drinking station and facilities for runners in the Mjölnisheimil. Emphasis will be placed on a fun and lively setting throughout the day. The staff and volunteers of Náttúrhlaupi will be available to participants during the rest period.

Hot meals every 4 hours while you are still in the race.

Participation recognition

There will be a good drinking station and facilities for runners in the Mjölnisheimili. Emphasis will be placed on a fun and lively setting throughout the day. The staff and volunteers of Náttúrhlaup will be available to participants during the rest period.

Terms of payment

The price for the race is ISK 13,900 and is paid upon registration.

Náttúruhlaup does not refund the registration fee. Name changes are allowed until two weeks before the tun starts.


The age limit for the race is 18 years.

See more general rules in backyard races:

Competitors will receive detailed information about the arrangements and rules by e-mail.


Backyard 101

  • Maí 2024
  • Registration is closed
  • Tímasetning: Laugardagur 4.maí 2024 kl.09:00
  • Hlaupaleið: 6,7km hringur í Öskjuhlíð og á göngustígum meðfram Öskjuhlíð og Nauthólsvík.
  • Tímamörk: Engin tímamörk nema að klára hvern 6,7km hring innan klukkutíma.
  • Verð: 13.900 kr.
  • Lengd: 6,7km
  • Verðlaun: Þátttöku-/DNF viðurkenning fyrir alla sem taka þátt.
  • Hafðu samband: [email protected]
Náttúruhlaup eru rekin af Arctic Running. Við leggjum áherslu á að njóta þess að hlaupa í fallegri náttúru. Kennitala: 5­701­12-03­10. VSK númer 122691.
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Fáðu fréttir af Náttúruhlaupum.
Öll réttindi áskilin © Náttúruhlaup

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Skráðu þig á póstlista Náttúruhlaupa og fáðu vita um leið og við opnum fyrir skráningu á námskeiðum, setjum út nýjar ferðir eða gerum eitthvað annað spennandi. Öll tækifærin beint í innhólfið 😊

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Fáðu fréttirnar fyrst

Skráðu þig á póstlista Náttúruhlaupa og fáðu vita um leið og við opnum fyrir skráningu á námskeiðum, setjum út nýjar ferðir eða gerum eitthvað annað spennandi. Öll tækifærin beint í innhólfið 😊

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